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R 96.00 - R 220.00

With succulent chicken this natturally balanced premium nutrition has added essential vitamins & minerals for a complete meal for growing kittens Growth - Inclusive of 32% protein and 13% fat, this high-protein meal with essential amino acids and fatty acids, combined with proper exercise, helps build lean muscles so your kitten can reach and maintain a healthy weight and muscle...

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R 240.00

Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Kittens   Benefits: Low Carbohydrate Formulation Using Only Rice- A single grain, high-quality, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy. Energy-Sustaining Protein: Chicken- Chicken provides energy for all-day play, supports tissue repair and is a natural source of taurine, an amino acid critical to kittens. Strength-Building Protein: Lamb- Adds delicious flavour and texture, while providing essential...

R 189.00 - R 1,899.00

The Orijen Cat & Kitten Food is BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE™ FOR ALL LIFE STAGES made with fresh free-run chicken and turkey, nest-laid eggs and wild-caught fish.   Cats and Kittens are built like their ancestors, possessing a biological need for a diet rich and varied in animal protein.   Cats are hunters and, just like their wild cousins, their teeth, jaws...

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R 480.00

FOR Puppies and Kittens Up To 2.5KG (SELAMECTIN) Description Topical, once-a-month parasiticide for puppies and kittens. Provides systemic treatment against a broad spectrum of external and internal parasites. Approved Uses Revolution® (selamectin) is indicated for use in puppies and kittens 6 weeks of age or older against the following parasites    Fleas: for the treatment, control and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides spp) infestations and control of...

R 497.00 - R 844.00

Maine Coon Kitten food is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your kitten in mind. By introducing a nutritious diet from its early days, you're helping to support its long term health as it grows into adulthood. Although your kitten's digestive system is developing, it still remains immature. That's why your kitten requires a diet of high quality...

R 123.00 - R 844.00

Persian kittens have typical breed characteristics that need to be taken into account when you choose its food. Your Persian kitten's wellbeing and growth deserves special attention, especially while its immune system is still developing.ROYAL CANIN® Persian Kitten is formulated with the specific needs of your Persian kitten in mind. By giving them food with the very best nutritional support,...

R 106.00 - R 784.00

If your cat is pregnant or has given birth recently, it's important that both she and her kittens have the correct nutritional support to ensure continued health for the mother, and the best start possible for the kittens. ROYAL CANIN® Mother & Babycat is formulated with the nutritional needs of the mother and her kittens in mind. Suitable for gestating/lactating...

R 104.00 - R 1,449.00

Growth is an essential stage in your kitten’s life – it’s a time of big changes, significant discoveries and new encounters. During this period, it’s important to make sure your kitten gets the right kind of nutrients to support healthy growth and development. The second age growth stage is a key period for your kitten because its immune system still...

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R 485.00

Royal Canin Feline Mousse - Babycat Instinctive (Tray of 12)

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Royal Canin Feline Mousse - Babycat Instinctive Wet Mousse (Single)

R 97.00 - R 380.00

(Important) This 400g variant is being discontinued and is only for sale while stocks lasts.Royal Canin suggest the "Royal Canin Feline Sterilised Kitten Food - 2kg" as the best alternative.As your kitten begins to grow and explore its surroundings with a new-found sense of curiosity, this period of new discoveries at 6 to 12 months old means that your kitten's...

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R 272.00

Complete feed for cats - Specially for 2nd age kittens up to 12 months old (thin slices in gravy). Giving your kitten the best start in life all begins with the right nutrition. Providing it with the essential nutrients it needs will properly support your kitten's development and growth at critical stages and beyond. Weaning kittens from their mother's milk...

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2128 reviews
TBD DL Clothing - Strawberries PJ for Mexican Hairless

Brilliant onsies for our Xolocuintlis. It's super soft and they love it. Would recommend it to anyone for their dogs....and they look super cute.

Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now

Good quality. Well priced

My dog loves it. I’ll certainly buy it for him again next time

Fantastic litter, no smell

Great cat litter that never smells bad & doesnt need to be changed as often, as long as you remove the messy clumps. Totally worth the price!

Itching,dry skin solution

It helps my Jack Russel with his skin allergies. Helps with the itching due to dry skin on his chest