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Ringworm Ointment

R 84.00

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Kyron Ringworm Ointment is a topical Fungicidal Ringworm Treatment containing Phenylmercuric acetate 0.06% and Eugenol.

Ringworm is caused by several types of fungi, called dermatophytes, with the most common one in pets being Microsporum canis. It is not at all caused by worms as the name may indicate.

Signs of Ringworm in dogs and cats

  • Raised flaky, dandruff like "rings" on the skin / in the depths of the coat.
  • Red lesions on the head, chest, front legs and the ridge of the back.
  • Scaling, crusting, thickening and reddening of the skin.
  • Circular patches of hair loss or alopecia on the fungal site - normally the head, chest or ridge of the back.

Directions for use

  • Scrape of scales and apply to affected area
  • Re-apply a few days later and a third time if necessary.
★ Reviews

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2128 reviews
Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now

Good quality. Well priced

My dog loves it. I’ll certainly buy it for him again next time

Fantastic litter, no smell

Great cat litter that never smells bad & doesnt need to be changed as often, as long as you remove the messy clumps. Totally worth the price!

Itching,dry skin solution

It helps my Jack Russel with his skin allergies. Helps with the itching due to dry skin on his chest

Cats Love It

Our cats love this product. We use it as an occasional treat, and they always finish it. We did try freezing one, like suggested on the packet - but, I think they didn't appreciate the cold much. Would def suggest as a nice cat treat.