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Dog & Cat Food

R 145.00 - R 1,050.00

Hypoallergenic Formulation Super-premium limited ingredient diet for adult dogs This hypoallergenic, gluten-free formulation uses alternative proteins to reduce the impact of digestive disorders or digestive intolerances, making this recipe ideal for dogs with delicate stomachs or sensitivities    Benefits Include: Duoprotein: Venison and Lamb, Hypoallergenic formulation Low-Carb Single Grain Rice Added Vitamin E and Organic Selenium 0% Corn | Soya...

R 130.00 - R 1,173.00

Single grain recipe with real chicken, lamb & rice Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Adult Dogs Complete & balanced | recommended by vets At the peak of physical development, adult dogs require nutrition that enhances their physique and feeds their minds, while keeping them healthy and energetic. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Adult’s super-premium, limited ingredient recipe provides adult...

R 133.00 - R 1,310.00

Single grain recipe with real chicken, lamb & rice Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Large to Giant Breed Puppies Recommended by vets   Large to giant breed puppies require nutrition that supports their rapidly growing skeletons, joints and cartilage during their early development. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Puppy’s super-premium, limited ingredient recipe includes Glucosamine and Chondroitin, providing a...

R 133.00 - R 1,278.00

Single grain recipe with real chicken, lamb & rice Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Small to Medium Breed Puppies Low Carbohydrate Formulation Using Only Rice. A single grain, high-quality, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy. Energy-Sustaining Protein: Chicken - Provides an abundance of energy for physical strength to meet the demands of an active and playful lifestyle. Strength-Building Protein: Lamb...

R 130.00 - R 1,283.00

Single grain recipe with real chicken, lamb & rice Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Senior or Overweight Dogs As dogs age, their activity levels slow down, as do their metabolisms and other key functions. Similarly, overweight dogs require a lower fat-to-protein ratio diet to assist with weight management. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Senior/ Overweight’s formulation includes age and...

R 245.00 - R 1,039.00

Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Adult Cats   Benefits: Low Carbohydrate Formulation Using Only Rice- A single grain, high-quality, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy. Energy-Sustaining Protein: Chicken- Chicken provides energy, and as a natural source of taurine (an amino acid critical to cats), supports tissue-repair as well. Strength-Building Protein: Lamb- Adds delicious flavour and texture, while providing essential amino...

R 250.00 - R 1,092.00

Hypoallergenic Formulation This hypoallergenic, gluten-free formulation uses alternative proteins to reduce the impact of digestive disorders or digestive intolerances, making this recipe ideal for cats with sensitive stomachs or skin conditions   Benefits Include: Duoprotein: Trout and Lamb, Hypoallergenic formulation Low-Carb Single Grain Rice Natural Defences: Freeze-dried Melon Juice and Nutritional Yeast 0% Corn | Soya | Gluten| Artificial Colours...

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R 240.00

Super-premium Limited Ingredient Diet for Kittens   Benefits: Low Carbohydrate Formulation Using Only Rice- A single grain, high-quality, highly digestible carbohydrate provides all-day energy. Energy-Sustaining Protein: Chicken- Chicken provides energy for all-day play, supports tissue repair and is a natural source of taurine, an amino acid critical to kittens. Strength-Building Protein: Lamb- Adds delicious flavour and texture, while providing essential...

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R 57.00

Real Lamb, Rice & Country Vegtables For Adult dogs, all breeds.

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R 57.00

Real Ostrich, Potato & Carrots For Adult dogs, all breeds.

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R 57.00

Real Lamb, Rice & Butternut in gravy For puppies, all breeds.

★ Reviews

Let customers speak for us

2136 reviews
Hill's Feline Sterilised Cat Adult

I think it is the best for the sterilised adult cats..My opinion, I read a lot of negative reviews from pellets. I dont really like the pellets idea, scared that it might cause liver problems later on..I prefer 100% organic and raw food. What did our animals eat before pellets many years ago?
What do you think?

It is doing it’s job!

Long story short.
Sent my doggie to live with my dad for company.
He put the collar on, says there were no instructions, but pressed the button and it worked.
The collar itself seems to loosen after a while, so dad stapled it so they it does not come off. I am not sure what the issue is.
Sometimes I can hear the beep when she barks once and then stops. I am not sure when the vibration setting comes into play. Maybe the company can reply.
Giving this collar 5 stars because
1: The dog barks much less.
2. It has no prongs and it does not shock.
Thank you, life is much easier now.

Not silent

Whistle is not silent to humans and can be heard by everyone.

Awesome mat !

My collie who is a fan of the floor (trimmed or not) finally took to a mat - thanks guys for the quick delivery !!