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Pheroma Litter Powder

R 231.00

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PHEROMA Litter Powder is a product of recent research into the nature of smells. Available in Spray and Powder forms, it is a pet odour remover based on a new scientific principle. It can successfully be used on bad smells such as cat urine, anal gland smells, cat litter, vomit, faeces - and even sour milk. Most other products simply mask the unpleasant smell with a strong perfume, leaving the underlying malodour to return when the perfume evaporates. But PHEROMA actually removes unpleasant odours permanently. It is completely safe to use. Use the pleasant-smelling powder form for litter trays or use spray for carpets and furniture. Just one spray or sprinkle and your environment will once again smell as fresh as a daisy.


Powder - Sprinkle over or mix the Pheroma powder in to the litter of cats, hamsters and other animals. This harmless powder immediately removes all unpleasant pet odours, especially urine and faecal odours. Can be used inside vacuum cleaner bags and dustbins.

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Not silent

Whistle is not silent to humans and can be heard by everyone.

Awesome mat !

My collie who is a fan of the floor (trimmed or not) finally took to a mat - thanks guys for the quick delivery !!

TBD DL Clothing - Strawberries PJ for Mexican Hairless

Brilliant onsies for our Xolocuintlis. It's super soft and they love it. Would recommend it to anyone for their dogs....and they look super cute.

Vetmed wound care

A great prouduct, I have been using it on my dogs for a few years now