For natural, safe pond water for fish.
From time to time, you will need to top up your pond with tap water, as water is removed during routine care procedures such as water changes or simply via the natural process of evaporation. However, since our tap water is intended for human consumption, it contains chlorine to eliminate any germs in the water. Furthermore, it can also contain heavy metals, which are harmless to humans, but toxic for fish. Both chlorine and heavy metals will make fish feel uneasy in their surroundings and will cause them damage in the long-run. Tetra Pond AquaSafe rapidly and effectively neutralises these harmful substances and also adds essential substances such as minerals and iodine to the water.
Using a three-step process, a special combination of active ingredients offers instant and lasting pond protection by:
Effectively and permanently neutralising poisonous heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead.
Neutralising aggressive chlorine.
Using organic colloidal ingredients that effectively protect fish gills and mucous membranes and thus prevent disease.
Contains vitamin B1 to combat stress, for instance when transporting, introducing or transferring fish.
With iodine and minerals to increase fish vitality and promote breeding.
Creates ideal conditions for the colonisation of microorganisms, which break down toxic substances such as ammonia and nitrite.
Immediate and long-lasting effect.
- Incredibly easy and precise dosage.