Pro-Lyte is a palatable flavoured electrolyte, glutamine and probiotic supplement.
What Are Electrolytes?
Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals essential for the optimal functioning of the body, from nerve transmission and muscular contraction to the balancing of pH levels. Sodium, Potassium and Chloride are the most common. Proper fluid therapy during recovery from diarrhoea is of prime importance.
Pro-Lyte assists in:
- Restoration of electrolyte imbalance
- Restoration of gut health, normalizing the gut flora
- Minimizing villous atrophy
- Improving fluid and electrolyte absorption
- Promoting recovery and decreases bacterial translocation
- Reduction net water and sodium secretion
When Diluted, Pro-Lyte Contains:
- Potassium Chloride 0.15% m/v
- Sodium Chloride 0.2% m/v
- Sodium Citrate 0.25% m/v
- Glucose 2.5% m/v
- Glutamine 0.4% m/v
- Protexin® Probiotic 1.2 x 10
What Is The Importance Of Glutamine?
- It minimizes villous atrophy – it has cytoprotective effects on small bowel and colonic mucosal cells.
- Improves fluid and electrolyte absorption
- Promotes recovery and decrease bacterial translocation
- Glutamine plus glucose aid in reducing net water and sodium secretion
Which Animals Will Benefit From Pro-Lyte?
- Dehydrated animals
- Pets with chronic or acute diarrhoea and/or vomiting
- Pets that exercise extensively